How to block Google Ads on Windows computer?

If you, like me, hate ads and malicious websites there is a simple solution for all your problems. While most plugins just hide displaying of ads, or block ads just in browser that have the blocker installed, this hack totally blocks ads from even loading on whole computer in all browsers you have installed. As a bonus it’s not slowing down your browser like those ad blocking plugins with their tens of thousands of rules.

For this post I’ll show you how to block Google AdSense and Yahoo ads but you can use any ad network or website. Also, it’s good idea to block ads on your computer when you work a lot on your website so you cant make any accidental clicks since clicking on ads on your own site can get your account closed and get you accused of click fraud.

The whole process is easy as one, two, three!

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Tags: block google ads, windows 10 host file to block google ads, block google adsense via hosts file, how to block google ads, pagead googledoubleclicks com, https://tpc googlesyndication com, how to stop ad doubleclick net, Block all pagead googledoubleclicks com results, pagead googledoubleclicks, tpc googlesyndication com, how to block ads on my computer, how to block ads on windows 7, block all ads on this computer, block tpc googlesyndication, block ad doubleclick net

Hello world!

Hello fellow geeks or geek wannabes 🙂
This is post number one and according to geek tradition it simply must start with standard

Hello World!

Okay, now once we got that out of the way (and are now for sure that it’s working), I want to discuss what is this blog all about. Well, I’m self thought PHP/MySQL developer and Linux System administrator. Except that I do fairly good with lots of other coding tools (like Java, Visaul Basic…), but I really like web developmental the most and this is why I’m going to write mostly about that. I have split the blog in few areas:

  • Just Sayin’ – in here I’ll post about various stuff that come up on my mind and that don’t fit in any other category
  • Server Administration – in here I’ll try to write tutorials, guides and tips that can be useful to any admin (beginner or expert)
  • Web Development – I’ll write in here about various stuff including but not limited to: php, javascript, Ajax, jQuery, Prototype, Smarty, Code Igniter…
  • WordPress – is one of my favorite web development tools. It’s easy to use and customize and I love working with it, so I’ll devote a whole category just to it.

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