MP4 streaming using Apache + WHM/cPanel

Streaming MP4 files with Apache + h264_streaming has never been easier. Setup your web server to stream MP4 files using Apache in just 3 minutes.

cd /usr/local/src
cd mod_h264_streaming-2.2.7
./configure --with-apxs='which apxs'
make && make install

Non WHM/cPanel users
Should now add those two lines into httpd.conf:

LoadModule h264_streaming_module /usr/local/apache/modules/
AddHandler h264-streaming.extensions .mp4

and simply restart Apache using:

service httpd restart

WHM/cPanel users
Should use Include Editor since any changes made to httpd.conf will be lost in case of rebuilding apache.
So login to WHM and go to Apache Configuration -> Include Editor -> Pre Main Include -> All Versions and in the box that appears copy/paste following two lines and after saving that confirm Apache restart.

LoadModule flvx_module modules/
AddHandler flv-stream .flv

Here are a few pictures for newbies so they can find their way trough more easily:

1. Apache Configuration
2. Include Editor
apache include editor whm cpanel

3. Locate PreMain Include – select All Versions
4. Copy/paste those two lines and press Update (then confirm Apache reload)

That’s it!

FLV Streaming using Apache
To learn how to setup FLV streaming using Apache click here

Tags: apache mp4
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