Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input error in Chrome

Today, while I was working with jQuery I ran on this error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input while troubleshooting my code in Chrome. And since Chrome it didn’t report error on any specific line I had to Google for it 🙂

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input

And after opening few pages I found out that this error codes happens when you forget closing “}”. That can happen often when writing JavaScript code.

Locating that is not easy, especially if you’r code is sloppy and you have a lot of it. Luckily my code is always very nicely written so I got it solved quickly. But in case your code is really messy or is compressed (with some JavaScript compressing tool like jscompress.com) you can copy/paste your JavaScript code into jsbeautifier.org, click on Beautify JavaScript (select the options you want on the right side of the screen first) and see if all of the indentations are correct.

Beautiful and Geeky.

Tags: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input, uncaught syntaxerror unexpected end of input line 1, unexpected end of input, uncaught, uncaught syntaxerror unexpected end of input, unexpected end of input line 1, javascript unexpected end of input line 1, javascript unexpected end of input, jquery unexpected end of input, syntaxerror: unexpected end of input, uncaught syntaxerror: unexpected end of input line 1, syntaxerror unexpected end of input, UncaughtSyntaxError:UnexpectedendofinputerrorinChrome|GeekTipsnTricks, decompression problem unexpected end of input file or i/o error, unexpected end of input js, uncaught syntaxerror unexpected end of input jquery, onclick unexpected end of input, decompression problem unexpected end of input file or i o error, unexpected end of input javascript line 1
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  1. That was exactly it, thanks man!

  2. This is not the case always, what if you are getting this error after few clicks on your document.

  3. I just got this error and all my braces were perfect. In fact, all my code was … erm.. “perfect”.
    For me the problem turned out to be improperly formed JSON data I was getting from the server. For some reason the data was truncated (thus naturally missing a few closing braces) and it blew up in JSON.parse() – which kind of makes it seem like JSON.parse is using eval() which I thought it shouldn’t, but Chrome seemed to be giving me this error at the top of the function in which the JSON.parse() was being called. It was very perplexing until I took a look at what data was coming across the wire.

  4. If you are getting EMPTY JSON response from server and using JQuery version higher than 1.9 then JSON.Parse will throw this SyntaxError. This is happening due to JSON.PARSE functionality.
    Refer http://api.jquery.com/jquery.parsejson/

  5. I had similar issue too but it wasn’t related to the the brackets. It was to do with parsing an empty json. Most of the google results spoke about brackets however I finally got the solution on https://www.moreonfew.com/uncaught-syntaxerror-unexpected-end-of-input-resolved/ . Hope anyone seeing this comment in future find the solution too.

  6. you’re a life saviour thanks man <3

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